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Buckeye School of the Arts

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SAILS Policies


The grant requires that elementary students attend 5 days per week, while middle school students must attend a minimum of 9 hours a week and 3 days a week. It is the intent of the Legislature that students participate in the full program which ends at 6 p.m. daily. Please note that our after school program is not funded to be a drop-in program. Any exceptions to the hour requirement must be approved and will only be granted as listed on the Early Release Form. Participants that do not fulfill the hour requirement may be excused from the program to allow space for others. To maintain your child's space at S.A.I.L.S, please notify us by calling the school office and requesting a note be put in the S.A.I.L.S box if your child has a personal emergency or illness requiring him or her to be absent. You should contact the Site Coordinator listed on the front of this form directly after regular school hours. We will be happy to work with you.

Student Pick Up

For your child's safety, participants must be signed out daily by you or someone listed on your registration form (must be 16 years of age or older). To ensure safety, picture identification is required to pick your child up from the S.A.I.L.S program. The program ends promptly at 6 p.m. If your child has not been picked up by 6 p.m. the staff will try to contact the persons authorized to pick up your child that are listed on your registration form. At 6:15 p.m. authorities will be contacted if you have not picked your child up from the program. Repeated tardiness will result in the following procedure:

  • 1st Tardy - Warning

  • 2nd Tardy - Parent must contact the Program Director in order for child to return to the program*
    • Child may not return to S.A.I.L.S until the parent has successfully contacted the Program Director
  • 3rd Tardy - Removal from S.A.I.L.S**
    • 30 days after the removal, the child may re-register if space allows or be placed at the end of the waiting list

Site Emergency

In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, the following procedures will be in effect:

  1. Students will remain at the site until they can be picked up by the parent or other authorized person.

  2. In the event of a site evacuation, students will be taken to a local emergency center. The location will be posted on the site door. Efforts will be made to contact parents AND the program staff will remain with the children until they are picked up by the parent or authorized person.
  3. For the safety of your child, students must be signed out before they will be allowed to leave.


Participation in the S.A.I.L.S program is a privilege. All children are expected to follow the rules of the program. Continuous disruptive/disrespectful behavior will result in the following procedure:

  • 1st Pink Slip - Warning: Parent/Guardian contacted in person or by phone
  • 2nd Pink Slip - 1 Day Suspension: Parent/Guardian Conference
  • 3rd Pink Slip - 1 Week Suspension: Parent/Guardian Conference - Behavior Contract
  • 4th Pink Slip - Removal from S.A.I.L.S: Parent will be notified immediately*
    • 30 days after the removal, the child may re-register if space allows or be placed at the end of the waiting list.

Parental Support

You are an important partner in the S.A.I.L.S program. We welcome your comments, questions and feedback to continue to provide a program that ensures growth academically and socially in the participants of our after school program. We highly encourage parents to visit, volunteer, donate supplies and share talents and resources. Please contact the Program Director at your school site if you have any questions or concerns.